Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, TDPTPhone:
(318) 453-2889Email: stinsely@berxwedan.net
Educational History:
B.S., Biology, Texas Women’s University, M.S., Physical Therapy, Texas Women’s University, Ph.D., Pharmacology, Toxicology and Neuroscience, Louisiana State University Health – Shreveport
Fields of Expertise:
- Pharmacology
- Neuro-rehabilitation
- Institutional Advancement
Professional Highlights:
I currently hold the position of Assistant Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement for LSU Health Sciences Center. I am excited to work with our faculty to advance the initiatives our our academic health center in our community, in our state and across the nation. One trivia fact, I was the first board certified Neurologic Physical Therapist in the state of Louisiana. I am always willing to help other Physical Therapy programs with their pharmacology education because a better understanding of this content will make us better clinicians for the patients we treat.
Personal Quote:Today is a Good Day to Have a Good Day.
Personal Highlights:
I am an avid golfer and have been our local ladies’ club champion several times. I am a member of the USGA and participate in USGA Southern Senior events each year.