Professor of AccountingLocation:
HHH 133Phone:
(540) 535-3462Email: mmulyadi@berxwedan.net
Educational History:
Ph.D. in Accounting with emphasis in corporate governance and corporate disclosures, Bond University (Australia); M.S. in Financial Management, Pelita Harapan University (Indonesia); B.S. in Accounting, Tarumanagara University (Indonesia)
Fields of Expertise:
Accounting, Accounting Analytics, Business Analytics, Corporate Governance, Corporate Disclosures.
Professional Highlights:
Dr. Mulyadi is Professor of Accounting at Shenandoah University School of Business. He has a keen interest in the intersection of accounting technology, AI, and analytics. He currently teaches upper-division courses in accounting and graduate courses in business analytics.
Dr. Mulyadi actively engages with the media, providing valuable insights and contributing to discussions on the latest issues, trends, and advancements in accounting, AI, and analytics. His expertise is recognized both through his own writings and when quoted as an expert source in publications like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Forbes, Fortune, and Financial Times, to name a few.
In the media:
- Published:
- 2023. Financial literacy is an important part of education – The Washington Post.
- 2023. Schools can leverage games and AI to alleviate accountant shortage –Accounting Today.
- 2023. A strong foundation in financial literacy is more than a tool – The Washington Post.
- 2023. Navigating the promise and peril of AI –Accounting Today.
- 2023. Let’s face the AI future with courage – The Northern Virginia Daily.
- 2023. For accountants, AI is like spreadsheets in the 1980s – The Financial Times.
- 2023. AI will attract more students to accounting – The Wall Street Journal.
- 2023. Using business analytics to generate value –The Winchester Star.
- Quoted:
- 2024. Is YOUR job at risk from the AI revolution? Six experts predict roles that will be WIPED OUT by AI this decade – Daily Mail.
- 2024. 10 High-Paying Jobs That Are Future-Proof and Will Remain in Demand Over the Next Decade – Yahoo Finance/Nasdaq.
- 2023. Experts Explain: Why Budgeting Is Key To Growing Your Wealth in 2024 and Where To Start – Yahoo Finance/Nasdaq.
- 2023. Gen Z, ChatGPT li avvantaggia nel mercato del lavoro. Ecco come – Wall Street Italia.
- 2023. 「沒有AI培訓?謝謝再聯絡」招募趨勢:一年內學不到AI,人才就想走人– Bnext Media.
- 2023. 想學 AI 技能,公司教不了?研究顯示一年沒培訓,Z 世代就想走人 – Manager Today.
- 2023. An accountant’s guide to smart AP automation – Accountancy Age.
- 2023. تشكّل المحاسبة صداعًا لأصحاب الأعمال. أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي ستساعد – Inc. Arabia.
- 2023. US accounting degree graduates plunge 7.4% – CFO Dive/Higher Ed Dive.
- 2023. AI, il vantaggio innegabile della Generazione Z – Fortune Italia.
- 2023. Gen Z is set to capitalize on A.I. skills gap as workers want to learn, but businesses aren’t teaching, finds new report – Fortune.
- 2023. The Weekly Cost Of The Hollywood Strike Could Top $150 Million – Forbes.
- 2023. Retirement Savings: 4 Reasons AI and ChatGPT Might Hurt Your Future Prospects – Yahoo Finance/Nasdaq.
- 2023. Financial Bookkeeping Is a Headache for Business Owners. Forthcoming A.I. Tools Could Make It Better – Inc.
As of May 20, 2024, Dr. Mulyadi’s research has received 705 citations, according to Google Scholar, with an h-index of 13 and i10-index of 14.
Selected Published Peer-Reviewed Research:
- 2024. Corporate Control in Emerging Markets: The Non-Linear Dynamics of Foreign Board Involvement. Corporate Ownership & Control, 21(2), 45- 51.
- 2023. Beyond Traditional Analysis: Using Machine Learning to Investigate Intellectual Capital Disclosures. Corporate Ownership & Control, 20(3), 437-446.
- 2023. Machine Learning in Accounting: Insight from the March 2023 Bank Failures. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 13(2), 28-36.
- 2022. A comparison of two colonial paths to the Western model of corporate governance. International Journal of Business Excellence, 26(2), 137-160.
- 2021. Analyzing Corporate Governance Disclosures in Type II Agency Problems in Indonesia. In: Aksoy, T., Hacioglu, U. (eds) Auditing Ecosystem and Strategic Accounting in the Digital Era. Springer.