Professor of Hispanic StudiesLocation:
Henkel Hall 217Phone:
(540) 542-6202Email: bpearceg@berxwedan.net
Educational History:
B.A., Foreign Languages and Literatures, Radford University; M.A., Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky; Ph.D., Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky
Fields of Expertise:
- Cultural identity and the ways it is perceived/constructed in Chicana/o Literature
- Postcolonial Studies/Theory
- Gender Studies
- Masculinity Studies
Professional Highlights:
Recipient of the Shenandoah University’s Board of Trustees Resolution of Appreciation (2007), the Wilkins Award for Outstanding Efforts in International Education (2008), and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s Exemplary Teaching Award (2013).
One of the founding members of the College of Arts and Sciences BADA&S Seminar that promotes and encourages interdisciplinary approaches to common themes.
One of the faculty leaders of the Study Abroad trip to Cuba in May 2018.
Personal Quote:“Go! Get out of here! Experience the world. Go lead a life worth telling stories about. Go live your life and make memories and have wonderful experiences. I can’t live your life for you, but if I could I would send you abroad as often as I could. There will always be a reason not to go, but you must push past them. No one else can do it for you. You must make the decision to study abroad.” ~ from every single class Dr. PG has ever taught.
Personal Highlights:
Serving as a School Board Member of Winchester Public Schools since 2017.
Also serves as a Civil Celebrant for the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Was the Keynote Speaker for the Alpha Lambda Delta induction ceremony in 2018.